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Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

Return Policy

You can return your order within 20 days from the date of purchase. We assure you to refund your full amount but the following conditions are applied:

  • If any discounts or other offers were given, that amount will be deducted while refunding your purchase.
  • We take returns only if the products are in good/new condition. Tempered products like torn packets, blurred labels etc. will not be accepted.
  • If box packed product like syrups, ointments etc. needs to be returned, it should be in its proper box packed form.
  • If you want to return tablets and capsules, we only take back full stripes. Half stripes and broken stripes are not feasible for return.
  • For syrups and liquid products the seal should not be broken.
  • Injection products which should be stored in refrigerators will not be taken back because we cannot assure about how you have stored it therefore, we cannot take the risk to reuse such products.

For any further information or querries please contact us on 9841568568 or mail us at care.onlineaushadhi@gmail.com

Yours Faithfully
Online Aushadhi Team

Last Updated on 12th August, 2015