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Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!


Prajwal Bhattarai

Deputy CEO

BRB Motors Pvt. Ltd.

I started using services provided by Online Aushadhi from last year, I was extremely pleased with the professionalism and speed of delivery. Delivery was fast, actually a lot faster than I was expecting, great communication throughout. I would highly recommend to anyone, keep up the good work. Best wishes.


Shahisha Shrestha

I am a working professional and due to my busy schedule I sometimes miss keeping a track of my father\'s regular medicine requirement. One of my friends recommended me to Online Aushadhi back in 2017 A.D and till date the team has not given me a single chance to complain about their services. Services provided by Online Aushadhi, like refill call alerts, have really made it easy for me to keep a track of my father\'s regular medicine requirement and thank you to team Online Aushadhi, during lockdown too my family’s medicine supplies were delivered on time. Thank you.


Bibek Bhandary



Online Aushadhi, a name you can trust. There are lots of online platforms which provide similar services, but quick response, friendly staff, hassle free delivery with easy payment options which Online Aushadhi provides I believe are best in the industry. I have been ordering my family’s regular medicine requirements so without any hesitation I can say if you are in search for the best online medicine delivery service at your door steps undoubtedly it is Online Aushadhi.


Palpasa Tuladhar

Due to covid-19 our life has taken a new direction, a direction towards a digital era. And amidst all this chaos, the one online platform I trust is Online Aushadhi. All my baby products requirement, medicine requirements for my family are met by Online Aushadhi, a business I truly trust. And a great aspect I really like is the fact that even if it\'s out of stock, when you call them, they make sure they find the product and deliver it to you.


कृष्ण काजी बस्नेत

Hotel Yak & Yeti

मलाई अनलाईन औषधीको फलो अप गर्ने सिस्टम धेरै राम्रो लाग्यो । फलो अप सिस्टमले गर्दा मैले आफनो औषधी समयमै पाएँ र त्यो पनि मार्केट रेटमै पाउँदा सजिलो भएको छ ।


Binod Aryal

I would like to thank Online Aushadhi that have been providing home delivery services of medical utilities through the online medium. Online shopping these days are being popular in our country. It has been used in various sectors making our life easier. And use of this online shopping in the sector of medicine is quite a fruitful and creative one. This portal has made my life easier by reducing time for purchasing various medical product. As a regular consumer of medical products I feel so happy to get all stuff at a click from my mobile phone. I can get quality product at reasonable price and within the short delivery time. It has really made my life easier in very busy schedule. I am completely satisfied by such an awesome work. I wish all the best and hope to get more other useful services in future. Thank you very much for your thoughtful work , you really have brought happiness and easiness in my life.


Sama Shrestha

अन्लाईन औषधीबाट औषधी लिन थालेपछी हामीलाई धेरैनै सजिलो भएको छ किनभने अहिले हामीले घरैमा नियमित औषधी पाउने गरेका छौ । हामी बसिरहेको ठाउमा भन्नासाथ औषधी पाउदैन र चाहेको औषधी खोज्न कि त कालिमाटी कि त न्यूरोड नै जानुपर्थ्यो। अहिले हामीले भ्याइन्भ्याइ औषधी खोज्न चाँही परेको छैन ।


Sabeeta Joshi

Brihat Group

I am quite satisfied with the services of Online Aushadhi as it saves me a lot of time, money and the extra effort. I have been getting all my required medicines on time and I think it’s the best option for any busy working individuals. However, I recommend Online Aushadhi to provide the additional check-up services for quick monitoring of blood pressure, diabetes, oxygen level, etc. whenever they visit for the medicine delivery.